Less is More: Embracing Simplicity for a Healthy Planet, a Caring Economy and Lasting Happiness

Shouldn’t modern life be making us happy?

Because it’s not.

The average working person feels insecure and afraid about the future. 

They’re not happy and much of what they do is hurting the planet too.

There has to be a better way, right? Well, Cecile Andrews in her classic text “Less is More” can help you find that way. 

less is more book cover

Inner Wealth Vs Outer Wealth

Cecile’s genius is to define two types of wealth.

Outer wealth is the trappings of life that money can buy.

Inner wealth is health, happiness, spirituality, etc. 

And she helps us see that you don’t need the former to have the latter in abundance.

Simplicity Is The Key

Working with some of the finest minds, she brings together a collection of insightful essays that show how you can have less work, less stress, less debt, and less unhappiness with just a little less stuff.

In turn, you can have more time, more happiness, more personal satisfaction and more security when you do. 

You Need This Book

Everyone needs this book. 

It’s your roadmap to getting off the treadmill and into your own happy life. 

You can find Less is More: Embracing Simplicity for a Healthy Planet, a Caring Economy and Lasting Happiness by Cecile Andrews online. 

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